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Wednesday 6th March 2024.
March 6, 2024

Andres is back with us for our movie review this morning and under the spotlight is “Dune 2″. The first was epic so how does number 2 fair, this is Andres’s summing up.” A film made for the big screen. Every year we get a couple and this one is the first of 2024. Denis Villeneuve has a seat in the exclusive table of Best Directors working today. A must see, enjoy the great acting, the amazing actions set pieces, the flawless special effects, the philosophy in the story and the ambiguity between right and wrong.

In the last hour today our guest is Isabel Mendez, Director of Economic Affairs and Special Projects at the Embassy of Israel. We have a great event coming up on the 13/14th March “Cybertech Latin America”. All topic in the world of Cyber, especially chip manufacturing here in Panama, Security, networks etc. Remember Panama has seven Fiberoptic cables coming into Panama, just another part of our Logistics Hub. You can find out about the event here.