Friday 14th April 2023.
April 14, 2023
TGIF, welcome to Friday boys and girls. Quite a lot to fit in this morning, we have all our usual bits and pieces including Ingrid’s Freaky Friday Fun facts, as she is up there in the USA… Today see gives us some facts about the Gulf of Mexico.
Yazmin takes a look at What we can be doing and Where and When we can be doing it.

And in the last hour we link up with Giovanna Troncoso Director of Fundación Oír es Vivir. Here are some of the discussion topics…
For twelfth consecutive years we have our “Only 1 Minute of Silence” #Solo1minuto campaign, in commemoration of the International Noise Awareness Day that will be celebrated around the world on Wednesday April 26, saving only 1 minute of Silence, in homes, institutions, schools, restaurants, businesses, communities and cities in general.
On the occasion of the 15th anniversary of Fundación Oír es Vivir we will be offering a free virtual teaching event, with experts from Europe and Latin America, who will provide valuable information during the”Update Conference on Hearing Disability Care”, which will take place on Wednesday, May 17, from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm (Panama time), on the Zoom platform. Subscriptions here: This month we have launched the “SCHOOL GUIDE+ SILENCE – NOISE: Training generations with better Hearing Health”, a digital document with free download for everyone.The Guide is a fun compendium of activities for public school teachers andprivate, kindergarten and maternal can perform together with their students to teach them, to through the different subjects, to prevent hearing damage from excessive noise, also taking care of your health in general and the environment.