Friday 17th September 2021.
September 17, 2021
The epidemiological report of the Ministry of Health (Minsa), of this Thursday, reveals that in the last 24 hours, 373 new positive cases and 6 deaths were reported. The accumulated cases of the disease caused by the new SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus are 463,459 and of these patients 451,966 have recovered. The new infections were detected after performing 7,615 tests, which yielded a positivity of 4.8%. While active cases to date total 4,327. There was also a new death that occurred on a previous date registered. The total accumulated deaths is 7,166, according to the Minsa report. There are 4,023 people in home isolation, of which 3,863 are at home and 160 in hospital hotels. There are 304 hospitalized patients and 232 of them are in the wards and 72 are in the intensive care unit.
The Ministry of Health was authorized by the members of the Cabinet Council this to apply the AstraZeneca vaccines among tourists who arrive in the country for a minimum of two days. This was revealed in a statement from the General Directorate of Communication, which clarified that the objective is to promote the accommodation of tourists for a minimum of two nights in hotels registered by the Panama Tourism Authority (ATP).
As of this Thursday, the list of 20 countries considered to be at high risk of transmission of Covid-19 begins to rule in the Republic of Panama. This was advised by the Ministry of Health (Minsa), which recalled that this classification was developed taking into account the parameters of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, for its acronym in English). The General Directorate of Health is based on the epidemiological analysis of the incidence of daily confirmed cases per million inhabitants in each of the countries included, as well as the circulation of the virus variants classified by the WHO, such as Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Lambda and Delta.
The Transit and Land Transport Authority ( ATTT ) stated that the measure of circulation of even and odd in regard to selective transport came to an end on August 31. In other words, as of that date, the circulation of selective transport was restored on a regular basis, by virtue of the recommendation of the Ombudsman’s Office and under the evaluation of the Ministry of Health (Minsa) in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic.
The Alternative Independent Social Party (PAIS) was officially recognized this Thursday, by the Tribunal Electoral (TE) . In a ceremony held at the headquarters of the TE, the presiding magistrate, Heriberto Araúz , delivered Resolution # 32 where PAIS is officially recognized. In this way, it becomes the eighth legally constituted political party in Panama.

Kansas City Southern (KCS), which has a 50% stake in the Panama Canal Railway Company that operates the railway in Panama, announced that the company’s board of directors accepted the acquisition proposal made by Canadian Pacific Railway Limited (CP). The announcement of control to the Canadian from the US company – through a cash and shares agreement for 27,200 million dollars – would give rise to the first network that will link Canada, the United States and Mexico, with about 32 thousand kilometers of roads railways.
The Panamanian Episcopal Conference (CEP) reported that it made modifications to the general regulations for the reopening of churches and liturgical celebrations. Thus, the capacity in the churches and meeting places is increased to 50%, so that half of the capacity of the place can be used. There will only be a capacity of 80% of the church or meeting place in the event that all attendees present proof of having received the two doses of vaccine against Covid-19 (vaccination card or QR code), reported the bishops of the CEP .