
Friday 19th June 2020.

June 19, 2020


  • The Minister of Health, Rosario Turner, reported that this Thursday, June 18, Panama decided to incorporate into the treatments for Covid-19 the transfusion of convalescent plasma to critically ill patients.
  • The Ministry of Health (Minsa) reported that in the last 24 hours there were 5 deaths from Covid-19 and 754 new cases.
  • Through Executive Decree 730 of this Thursday, June 18, published in Official Gazette l 29050-A, President Laurentino Nito Cortizo, and the Minister of Health, Rosario Turner, raised the limit imposed on the sale of alcoholic beverages that it had been decreed in the country by the pandemic caused by Covid-19.
  • The plenary session of the National Assembly approved in third debate, this Thursday, June 18, the amendments to Bill No. 287, which dictates economic and financial measures to counteract the effects of the pandemic by Covid-19.
  • Last April this project had been approved in the third debate in the legislative plenary and originally contemplated the suspension of payments for clients affected by the pandemic for three months, counting from March.
  • Given the increase in cases of Covid-19 in recent weeks, the Ministry of Health (Minsa) does not have a definite date for the opening of the third block of economic activities, and would even consider the closure of block 2, which started on June 1 last.
  • Some 15 thousand antigen tests, which in 30 minutes reveal whether a person is infected with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, were acquired by the Gorgas Memorial Institute for Health Studies (Icges).
  • There will be no more extensions, for now. The plenary of the Supreme Court of Justice decided to maintain the suspension of the judicial terms until Sunday, June 21, in the provinces of Panama and West Panama. That means that, starting Monday, everyone reactivates.
  • Panama continues with humanitarian flights and this Thursday, more than 150 Israeli passengers boarded a plane to return home, after being stranded in several nearby countries due to the coronavius pandemic .

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