Friday 1st March 2019. Entertainment with Nikki & Yazmin and we talk about Cochlear implants.
March 1, 2019

Moving up and hour this week to the second hour, Nikki from the Visitor newspaper and Yazmin take a look at what you can be doing here in Panama over the Carnival week. Have fun and keep safe!
In the last hour of today’s program we have with us Marisay Izquierdo Clinical Audiologist and Rehabilitation coordinator – Cochlear Latinoamerica and Andrea De la Cruz Produc

t Manager Cochlear Implant. Fascinating look into the technology of bionics. The bionic ear,
whereas a hearing aid amplifies the sound the Cochlear implant actually produces the electronic stimulation to the cochlear and thus to the brain.
The Court of Guarantees authorized a forensic evaluation of the medical reports and tests of Ricardo Martinelli, during a rights hearing requested by the defense of the former president, in the case that is followed against the former president for the alleged commission of crimes against the inviolability of secrecy and the right to privacy, and two types of embezzlement.
A total of 1,686 pounds of meat of dubious origin were confiscated by authorities of the province of Coclé, four subjects who transported it in two picop vehicles and without complying with the corresponding cold chain requirements.
Undocumented foreigners, Panamanians with pending cases in the courts and vehicles with expired license plates were the result of an interinstitutional operation carried out on the national highway at the corregimiento of La Arena de Chitré.
A group of producers from the province of Los Santos reported on the afternoon of Thursday, February 28, that they will start monitoring their crops and livestock farms to prevent theft by gangs operating in the region.
Due to the presence in the country of high rates of ultraviolet (UV) radiation, it is recommended that the population take the appropriate protection measures.
The liter of 95 octane gasoline will increase 4 cents and 14 cents the gallon from this Friday, March 1 and until March 15, announced the National Energy Secretariat.