Friday 20th July 2018. Cardiology – Dr Daniel Pichel & Colegio Jacaranda – Julian Vergara.
July 20, 2018
Program Audio:
Joining me today is Dr Daniel Pichel from Centro Medico Paitilla, Cardiologist. The 43rd Scientific Conference covering the topic of Cardiology will be taking place in Panama on the 27th and 28th of July.
We talk about the work covered by a cardiologist, causes of heart problems and how treatment has evolved.

In the last hour today it is about a different concept of teaching, based on experiences and problem solving a system introduced at the Colegio Jacaranda. Talking to us about this unique approach is Julian Vergara. For more information click here.
News Audio:
Eyda Varela de Chinchilla The Minister in charge of Economy and Finance (MEF), withdrew on Thursday, July 19 from the National Assembly the bill that modifies the Law of Fiscal Social Responsibility and the law of the Savings Fund of Panama (FAP) , which will give access to more money in the pre-election period.
The Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture of Panama (Cciap) is available to support the search for solutions to the energy issue in the country, said Jorge Juan de la Guardia, president in charge of the business association.
The National Office of Traffic Operations (DNOT) reported that 184 people have died from traffic accidents so far in 2018.
The Urban and Domiciliary Cleaning Authority (AAUD) reported on Thursday, July 19, that they began with a plan to “redouble efforts” in the collection of waste in East Panama, North Panama and Juan Diaz , sectors with an accumulation of waste due to damage to the trucks during the last weeks.
So far in 2018, the Public Prosecutor’s Office (MP) and security forces have confiscated 31.8 tons of drugs, in different operations carried out in the country.
At least 200 trees were brought down on the afternoon of Wednesday, July 18, by strong winds in the district of Rio de Jesus , province of Veraguas, reported the National System of Civil Protection (Sinaproc) .