Friday 27th November 2020
November 27, 2020
In the last hour today I have Shirley Arosemena from FAE Panama to talk about their online initiative.
The International Festival of Performing Arts (Festival Internacional de Artes Escénicas) (FAE) will reach its 10th version from December 2 to 6, faithful to the commitment it has made since its foundation in 2004 to offer its public a selection of the best of theater and contemporary dance of the world, with emphasis on Latin America, as an alternative of quality entertainment in these difficult times that we live at a global level.
The FAE this year has as a subtitle, In connection, to imply precisely that, to remain in spite of everything connected with its allies, collaborators and followers.Artists and teachers from seven countries, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Chile, Mexico and Panama will offer their best digital shows in contemporary theater and dance and will share their knowledge with our audiences, artists and students through the Actinio Sala Virtual platform and by SERTV, at very accessible prices or even for free. An international program that begins on Wednesday 2 with the production of Colombia, OMISIÓN, by La Corporación Teatro, directed and acted by Johan Velandia.

On Thursday 3 is the turn of the Mexico / Colombia / Panama theater-dance co-production titled LA SUBASTA, directed by Omar Carrum and Angélica Acuña, staged by Worldrobe, Detonos and Actinio.
On Friday the 4th, a piece from Argentina, LA TORTUGA, from the M4N Group, enters the ring under the direction of Marcelo Allasino.
The dance of Brazil arrives on Saturday 5 with MU NTUNDA (EN EL VIENTRE), from

the Cía. Nave Gris Cía. Scenic, choreographed and performed by Kanzelumuka de Paulay on Sunday 6 closes this time slot at 7 pm with the Chilean theatrical production, FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS, by GAM Productions, directed by Mariana Muñóz