Friday 5th February 2021.
February 5, 2021
In the epidemiological report of the Ministry of Health (Minsa) yesterday it was advised that in the last 24 hours there have been 23 new deaths due to Covid-19, in addition, 2 deaths are updated giving a total of 5,391 accumulated deaths, with a fatality 1.65%. 1,107 new positive cases of people infected with the virus were detected, for a cumulative total of 324,489. According to the Minsa, this Thursday 9,759 tests were applied, for a percentage of positivity of 11.3%. 2,308 hospitalized, of them 2,078 are in the ward and 230 in an intensive care unit.
So far, 12 patients with the new SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus are admitted to the Covid hospital, in the City of Health, in the Ancón district.
The Directorate of the Penitentiary System reported that 78 active cases of Covid-19 are currently being handled in the prison population, after the recovery of 100 in the last week.
The Social Security Fund (CSS) stated that after conducting an audit of its vaccination system that none of its officials broke the established protocol.
On January 8, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Panama asked Fabiola Zavarce for the diplomatic credentials that accredited her as the ambassador of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in Panama, the entity confirmed this Thursday, February 4.
Discontinued. Thus, Bill 73, which creates six new townships in the Ngäbe Buglé region, was on the agenda of the Legislative Plenary.

A new record of transits and tonnage of liquefied natural gas (LNG) ships registered the Canal in January 2021, a situation that according to the Panama Canal Authority (ACP) , shows its response capacity to meet the demand of this segment, product of its recent boom in the energy market. In the 31 days of the month of January, 58 ships that transported LNG passed through the neopanamax locks, totaling 6.74 million tons CP / Suab (volume unit of the Universal Tonnage System of the Panama Canal), a figure that exceeded the previous record of 54 transits there was in January 2020, and 6.23 million tons in November 2020.