Friday 8th July 2016. Kings College & the Visitor.
July 8, 2016
[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]Program audio:
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Education is the topic in our second hour this morning with Vanessa (head teacher) and Emma from Kings College. Making great strides Kings College now only the 5th school in the Americas to attain the COBIS recognition, when Kings originally opened here in Panama it was with something like forty students, now up to about three hundred and fifty. One of the topics we touch on is sex education in schools which has become a topic highlighted in the news locally over the last few weeks as the government tries to make it mainstream.
In the last hour, welcome back to Gabriel from the “Visitor” newspaper and we catch up on some of the things to do in Panama over the weekend and the coming weeks.
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]The News:
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The nine members of the Democratic Change (CD) caucus who did not support deputy Ruben De Leon’s nomination to the presidency of the National Assembly on July 1, will form a “legislative faction”.
The National Assembly will begin taking measures to ensure members attend committee hearings, due to high levels of absenteeism at the last session.
The former director of Revenue, Luis Cucalón invoked Article 25 of the Constitution of the Republic, which says: “No one is obliged to testify in criminal, correctional or police proceedings against himself, his spouse or relatives within the fourth degree of consanguinity or second of affinity”.
During the first five months of the year, a total of 4,880 adolescents between 10 and 19 years of age have gotten pregnant, a rate of 32 per day, according to the Ministry of Health.
Metrobuses are being reconditioned. They are being painted as subway cars, inside they will have screens to broadcast paid advertising, an air conditioning system that does not leak water every time the bus makes a turn, wireless internet and a new platform for people in wheelchairs.
Brazilian police are investigating a Panamanian bank working underground in Brazil, believed to have been used by people related to those who are being investigated in the corruption scandal of the state oil company Petrobras.
Panama fell to 55th in the index of connectivity published Wednesday by the World Economic Forum.
Twitter has become a “boxing ring” for the first lady of the Republic of Panama, Lorena Castillo de Varela.
The National Council of Refugees, the commission that evaluates requests for asylum in Colombia, has rejected a request submitted by Panamanian businessman Mayer Mizrachi.
From January to April 2016, a total of 16,775 car accidents were recorded in the country; 18.5% more than the 14,156 recorded during the same period last year
Between July 28 and September 18, in the Museum of the Interoceanic Canal of Panama, will be exhibited the FEMSA Collection, “Mexico: Fantastic Identity, Masterpieces of the Twentieth Century”.