Friday 9th April 2021.
April 9, 2021
The Ministry of Health (Minsa) reported this Thursday, April 8, that in the last 24 hours 427 new positive cases of Covid-19 were reported, for a cumulative total of 357,704. There were also 4 deaths, 2 of which occurred in previous dates, totaling 6,152 accumulated deaths, for a fatality of 1.7%. To date, 9,237 tests have been applied, and a positivity percentage of 4.6% is maintained. Regarding the recovered patients, it was known that they total 347,060 and the active cases are 4,495. There are 3,998 people in home isolation, of which 3,791 are at home and 207 in hospital hotels. There are 497 hospitalized patients and 433 of them are in the ward and 64 are in the intensive care unit.
The start of blended classes from April 12 in some schools in the country is suspended. This Thursday, in a statement the Ministry of Education announced that together with the Ministry of Health (Minsa) the evaluations are continuing to propose a new start date for the blended modality.
While affirming that the judicial system needs people with character, the President of the Republic, Laurentino Cortizo, announced that this month he will call for the election of two new magistrates for the Supreme Court of Justice. In 2021 the period expires for magistrates Luis Ramón Fábrega, current president of the Court and the magistrate Hernán De León.

Adolfo Chichi De Obarrio Manzin, who served as Ricardo Martinelli’s secretary when he held the presidency of the Republic, was arrested this Wednesday in Milan, in response to a request from Interpol, confirmed the Milan police. “The person sought [by Panama], who served as private secretary to the President of the Republic in the period between 2009 and 2014, would have received the payment of bribes by businessmen in exchange for the award of public contracts related to national aid programs for the purchase of school supplies, a crime for which a maximum penalty of 12 years in prison is foreseen under Panamanian law, ”says Turchetto’s communication.
The plenary session of the National Assembly decided to keep Eduardo Leblanc González as Ombudsman for the period 2021-2026.
Due to a failure in one of its motors, the Chilibre water treatment plant, Federico Guardia Conte, is operating at 90%, confirmed the Institute of National Aqueducts and Sewers (Idaan).
A slight improvement was found in the survey that measures the confidence of the Panamanian consumer. According to the measurement at the beginning of March, the index reached 100 points, which represents an increase of 2 points compared to the data of last January.