Monday 11th December 2017. Christmas starts! Alfonso Lewis plays live.
December 11, 2017
Program Audio:

Joining me in the second hour this morning the maestro of musical instruments (he plays about 15 of them) Alfonso Lewis. He was with us a little while ago promoting his Christmas concert “Tu Eres La Navidad” It will be at the Teatro La Estacion this coming Wednesday and Thursday (13/14 December). Tickets? Call 6679 9163/6664 6627. Well today he came with his Alto and Soprano Saxophones and plays live “Christmas Medley” and “The First Noel”
Christmas Medley:
The First Noel:
News Audio:
The aspirations of Rómulo Roux, to the presidency of Cambio Democrático, are seen by leaders of his party as a betrayal of Ricardo Martinelli.
The Minister of Public Works, Ramón Arosemena, held a meeting last week with members of the Binational Technical Execution Unit (UTEB), in order to learn about the progress of the binational bridge project between Costa Rica and Panama.
Only two people submitted documents to be actuary within the Actuarial Technical Board of the Social Security Fund (CSS).
Teams from the Joint Task Force (FTC) traveled yesterday to the top of the Barú volcano, province of
Chiriqui, to rescue 24 people.
Local gangs use frontmen for the acquisition of firearms and they also use contraband from Central America to have access to pistols and revolvers that they use in robberies, assaults and homicides.
The National Civil Protection System (Sinaproc) reported yesterday afternoon that the Cricamola River, located in Bocas del Toro, overflowed due to the rains that have occurred recently, affecting several residences.
Panama closed its participation at the XI Central American Sports Games, obtaining three more medals, on the last day of swimming competitions held at the Michele Richardson Swimming Pool Complex.