Monday 11th May 2020. You, me & the Music and a tribute to Little Richard
May 11, 2020

A quiet start to the week as we take a good look around the Internet looking for some good news stories for a change. Workout 10 minutes this morning at 7:45 a tribute to Little Richard who passed away at the weekend, you will need to be fit to keep up with this one!
News audio
55% of the patients who tested positive for Covid-19 in the country are clinically recovered, announced the Minister of Health, Rosario Turner, this Sunday, May 10. The total number of cases accumulated to date is 8,448 and those clinically recovered a total 4,687.
The guidelines for the return to normality of post-Covid-19 companies in Panama, has already been published on the website of the Ministry of Health, as reported this Sunday, May 10, by the Minister of Health, Rosario Tuner.
Students from first to sixth grade will have classes on television from today, taught by teachers through the Connect with the Star program, reported the Ministry of Education (Meduca).
Since the closure of the Tocumen International Airport on March 23, 30 humanitarian flights have been carried out for tourists and non-residents who were stranded in Panama after the Government decreed the closure of the borders to slow the advance of (Covid- 19).
In the same vein a group of Panamanians stranded in Europe for several months took off yesterday morning on an A350 plane owned by Evelop Airlines, a humanitarian flight amid the coronavirus pandemic.
The Authority for Consumer Protection and Defense of Competition (Acodeco) “will sanction in an exemplary manner any economic entity that fails to comply with Executive Decree No. 612, which makes the sale of alcoholic beverages for personal and household consumption more flexible”, with fines of up to 10 thousand dollars.
Taking advantage of the quarantine, the Free and Green Basin Program of the Ideas Maestras Foundation invited the people of Azuero to join the recycling culture, to protect the important basin of the La Villa river.