Monday 16th October 2017. Billy Herron talks about Los Beachers.
October 16, 2017
[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]Program audio:
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In the second hour of today’s program I have with me Billy Herron who is the producer with “The Beachers” he also plays with them as a guitarist.
Join us, hear about the history of this amazing group, now playing for 50 year. Thus the pending release of their new album “Cincuenta” and the launch party on the 25th of October.

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]The News:
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The president in charge of Cambio Democratico party, Alma Cortés, acknowledged that there was a low participation in its internal elections. She also denounced a series of irregularities, that would be denounced before the Electoral Tribunal.
Two people have been arrested for their possible connection to the murder of two agents of the National Police (PN), in the community of Chilibre, as confirmed by the Public Ministry.
The Ministry of Health (Minsa) informed yesterday that it is doing evaluations due to the strong smells perceived in the area of Ancon.
The Food and Agriculture Organization warned yesterday that if rural areas of Panama are not developed, migration to the capital will continue to grow, the fields will empty and the country’s food security will be compromised.
The Ministry of Public Works (MOP) presented the environmental impact study of a project to divert the road from the landfill of Cerro Patacón, to the community of Mocambo.
Panama will host the 5th International Country Brand Forum on October 26 and 27, with the participation of 10 Latin American countries that will meet to exchange experiences and learn from the best practices in brand management.
Rubén Blades will put on an “intimate show” on Thursday, December 7 at the Latitude 47 club, located at 47th Street, Bella Vista.