Monday 19th July 2021.
July 19, 2021

It’s a music Monday! Ingrid is in Florida watching Manatee’s screwing around. Yazmin finds two great birthday. One is Bernie Leadon of the Eagles, one of the founding members who left the band in 1975. The last album he performed on was “One of these nights” On that album was an instrumental trace that he wrote on his own “Journey of the Sorcerer”. The Eagles’ version of “Journey of the Sorcerer” was used as the theme tune to the original BBC Radio 4 Hitchhiker’s Guide to the
Galaxy radio series in 1978. Creator Douglas Adams was looking for a particular piece of music that would distinctively represent the series, that sounded “spacey” but not serious, such as a banjo. He looked through his collection of LPs, which included One of These Nights, and decided it was ideal, representing a feel of alienation.