
Monday 19th June 2017. Golf with Guy Cross.

June 19, 2017

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]Program audio:

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Welcome back to the program Guy Cross. Guy a professional golfer keeps us up to date on what is happening locally golf wise and the program for teaching the kids golf in school. Oh how times have changed.

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]The News:

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Efforts to fight against organized crime, multinational cooperation in the face of increased migratory flows, increased drug production, and regional political issues are among the main topics that will be addressed by presidents Juan Carlos Varela from Panama and Donald Trump of the United States, during their meeting today at the White House.

Minister of Economy and Finance Dulcidio De La Guardia has demanded equality of conditions in the demands of exchange of information.

Panama’s former president Ricardo Martinelli petitioned a US judge for his “immediate” release, after arguing that the arrest warrant presented by Panama in his request for extradition is “invalid”.

The Panama Canal Authority (ACP) is studying the construction of a fourth set of locks by 2025, if demand for cargo transportation continues at the current rate.

The director of the Social Security Fund and last ambassador of Panama in Taiwan, Alfredo Martiz, lamented the rupture of diplomatic relations of Panama with the Asian country.

The Panama Fire Department has begun investigating fires on three boats moored off the Amador causeway Friday night.   No injuries were reported.

The National Aqueduct and Sewer Institute (IDAAN) reported yesterday that the Federico Guardia Conte water treatment plant in Chilibre is currently operating with 10 pumps.  Electromechanics officials from the IDAAN and the ACP worked continuously for more than 48 hours repairing the pump that failed on Friday afternoon.

Yesterday marked the third week of ‘ConSECUENCIAS 500 años’, a participatory video production workshop aimed at young people and their grandparents with the purpose of recounting their stories through small documentaries.


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