
Monday 1st February 2021.

February 1, 2021

We start our month of “Everyday a song challenge” to get the ball rolling every song on this morning’s show has a color in the title. During the month we will be getting you our listeners more involved and at the end of the month our friends at Vale motor will give the person the most involved a free detailing for their car. And a big thank you also to Khalil Chen at Manas Cafe who has kindly donated a wonderful Volteado de Piña which is their speciality! Tomorrow your favorite song with a number in the title….


My guest on the program today at 8:30 is Arian Abadi, singer, actor, model and producer. Arian has bought out a single called “¡Ajá!… ¿Y?” (So what?). The song covers the topic of bullying and we discuss that as well as other projects of Arian.


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