Monday 20th April 2020. We chat with Rob Getman about BOB.
April 20, 2020

We get to have a chat over the phone with Rob Getman this morning about BOB.
“ With the support and work of “Mareaverde” BOB (Barrier or Garbage)” is a barrier across the Matías Hernández River. BOB is a floating barrier that traps the debris that the brings, preventing it from reaching the coast and therefore the mangrove
swamp, as well as making it easier for collection. This is a system that has been tested in other countries and so far has proven effective in Panama, so it is expected that it can be replicated in other rivers that present this same problem.
It was reported this Sunday April 19, that a total of 126 deaths are due to the new coronavirus, which has now infected 4 thousand 467 people. Lourdes Moreno, chief of epidemiology at the Ministry of Health, recalled that all areas of the country must continue to comply with the recommendations of the staff of the joint task force.
Tocumen became the corregimiento with the most cases of coronavirus in the city, and the second in the entire country, according to the latest figures offered by the Ministry of Health (Minsa).
The lifeless body of a homeless person was found during the morning of Sunday, at a bus stop in the Pan de Azúcar sector, in the San Miguelito district. Personnel from the Public Ministry and the National Police removed the body.
Once the state of emergency for the coronavirus has elapsed, online procedures will be mandatory for public entities and municipalities, after the presidential sanction of Law 144 (which modifies Law 83), which allows the use of electronic means for government processes.
The Gorgas Commemorative Institute for Health Studies has had in its plans the construction of the New Gorgas Campus since 2012. Every year, the lack of budget has delayed the project.
The Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture of Panama (Cciap) considered the closed-door sessions carried out by the permanent committees and the legislative plenary of the National Assembly as “inopportune” .
Three houses and the cultural center were affected by the loss of their rooves in the district of Nombre de Dios, in the Santa Isabel district, on the coast up from Colón.
Staying with the weather. For this week an increase of rain is expected in the country, according to Etesa Meteorology forecasts