Monday 21st December 2020.
December 21, 2020
Great start to the week, two guests this morning. We link up at 8:30 with Sabrina Naimark frim “Impacta” who together with Mega Storage are working an a Christmas Campaign. Christmas charity collection for the benefit of the indigenous community of the largest plantain in the world The Embera Ipeti community, which participated last year in the feat of the largest plantain in the world, will be benefited from the “Christmas MegaCollection”. The initiative is organized by the corporate social responsibility company Impacta and Mega Storage.
Until December 22nd toys, clothes and shoes will be collected to bring a Christmas to the indigenous community that has been affected by the pandemic. People interested in donating can coordinate the delivery by calling 261-0000 or cell phone 6090-6037 or writing an email to or at Mega Storage branches offices. The objects can be new or little-used in good condition.
In the last hour today. Michael Hill is a board certified Neurological Surgeon in America. He has been involved with medical hardware and software development for over 28 years. He designed and developed a speech recognition software program for patients with ShyDreagar Syndrome. Special input devices for the disabled He has also been involved in medical tracting software and electronic medical records

“We build installations that are very sophisticated, reliable and easy to maintain in a cost effective manner.” His lastest endeavor invloves installing and developing sophisticated home automation software and installations. Ceo and general manager of the company. Pappagallo Automation. Inc in Panama and the United States.