
Monday 24th September 2018. Monalisa and Rodrigo’s new album, “Querer y Poder”

September 24, 2018

Program Audio:


A big Breakfast Show welcome back to Monalisa and Rodrigo as we chat about the new album “Querer y Poder” already available on most digital platforms and they have their launch event this coming Thursday check them out here……

Live this morning on TBS.


Casi Nada

Querer y Poder


News Audio:

President,  Juan Carlos Varela , traveled on Saturday 22 September to New York, to participate in the 73rd session of the General Assembly of the United Nations (UN) , reported the Foreign Ministry.

The President of the Republic, Juan Carlos Varela , signed Executive Decree 357 of September 20, 2018, by means of which he appoints the members of the Board of Directors of the Board of the National Hemocenter .

The application period to occupy the position of general director of the  Social Security Fund (CSS) culminated this last Friday, September 21, with five candidates on the list, the institution reported.

Reports from the Ministry of the Environment (MiAmbiente) in the province of Los Santos confirmed the seizure of 9,575 sea turtle eggs, illegally extracted from the coasts of the Tonosí district.

Several roads were flooded on the morning of this Saturday, September 22, due to heavy rains in the capital.

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