Monday 25th October 2021.
October 25, 2021
The epidemiological report of the Ministry of Health (Minsa) , of this Sunday, October 24, reveals that in the last 24 hours there were no deaths from Covid-19 . The total number of deaths is stands at 7,307. It also points out that the new infections are 134, for a cumulative total of 471,537. To detect these new cases, 4,492 tests were performed, which yielded a positivity of 2.9%. 2,276 active cases are counted, and the recovered patients total 461,954, since the pandemic began. 2,078 people are reported in home isolation, of which 1,991 are at home and 87 in hospital hotels. There are 198 hospitalized patients and 166 of them are in the ward and 32 are in the intensive care unit.
In the latest report from the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) on the situation of Covid-19 in Panama, it was highlighted that in four provinces there is a slight to moderate increase in the incidence rates of the new coronavirus. According to the report, published on October 19, this increase occurred in epidemiological week number 41 (October 16) in the provinces of Coclé, Chiriquí, Los Santos and Veraguas. While in the other eight provinces a downward trend is reflected. In addition, the Guna Yala region stands out because it did not report cases in the last epidemiological week.

The Emerald Princess cruise ship , transited this Sunday, through the Panama Canal with three passengers who tested positive for Covid-19, but who were isolated in time inside the ship to avoid contagion with the rest of the travelers. The transit information was verified with the Panama Canal Authority and the positive cases of Covid-19, confirmed to La Prensa by Israel H. Cedeño, Regional Director of the Ministry of Health. According to the information registered with the Ministry of Health, before its arrival, the boat reported the need to disembark a passenger who had had an accident that caused a broken leg injury.
The president of the Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture of Panama (Cciap), Jose Ramón Icaza , reported this Sunday, that his union will convene the Observation of the Judicial System to evaluate the electoral reforms approved in the National Assembly. Icaza recalled that those making up the observation team are professionals with great experience and knowledge in jurisprudence and will be called because the recommendations of the National Electoral Reform Commission were ignored. “We trust that they will help us provide the country with a report that, in addition to teaching and enriching the debate, will serve to determine whether the approved reforms have any signs of unconstitutionality,” said Icaza. If these signs of unconstitutionality are found, the Cciap – and the people and groups that wish to join – would present a lawsuit before the Supreme Court of Justice that defends the right of citizens “to a fair and equitable Electoral Code .”
Anticipating future defaults by customers, in the last 20 months the banks have increased their provisions by $ 930 million. In this way, the bank absorbs the probability of loss and does not compromise its financial viability to the detriment of depositors. In other words, banks are having to sacrifice part of their profits to increase their reserves and protect their customers’ savings.
Survivors and relatives of the victims of bus 8B-06 painted blue hearts and released white balloons yesterday, to commemorate 15 years of the tragedy in which 18 people lost their lives. One of the survivors, Lidia Atencio, stressed during the ceremony that October 23 has become a forgotten date for the authorities. Right now, the only ones who come are those from the Transit Authority. ”he said.