Monday 28th September 2020.
September 28, 2020
The epidemiological report of the Ministry of Health (Minsa), on Sunday, registers 447 positive cases of Covid-19 and 17 new deaths in the last 24 hours. With these figures, the total number of infections has risen to 110,555 and that of deaths to 2,340, with a fatality remaining at 2.1%. On Sunday 3,584 tests were applied, for a percentage of positivity of 12.5%
The Gorgas Memorial Institute began yersterday, to carry out saliva tests in Rio Abajo to determine its effectiveness to detect cases of Covid-19 .
Juan Miguel Pascale, CEO of Gorgas, explained that they are doing the research “with the idea of testing the effectiveness of the use of saliva either for PCR or antigen testing.”
As more economic sectors reopen their doors today after almost seven months of being closed due to the coronavirus pandemic, the Nurses Association in conjunction with members of the Lions Club intensified on Sunday the campaign to mitigate the spread of the virus.
The Chamber of Commerce and Industries of Panama (Cciap) urged the Government to explain in detail the actions or comprehensive plans that stipulate what the measures will be to contain the State operating expenditure, which “which is not decreasing.”
Despite the differences arising from the voting method, the National Electoral Reform Commission (CNRE) made progress in discussing the changes to the Electoral Code, ahead of the 2024 elections.

The Social Security Fund (CSS) reported that the cards corresponding to the month of March, and whose validity expired in July, was extended until October 2020.
A project to create at least three types of orchards in the capital was presented to the Municipal Council. The proposal, which will be discussed today, Monday, at 10:00 am, in the Environmental Commission of the Municipal Council of Panama, is promoted by the representative of the Don Bosco district, Guillermo Willie Bermúdez, of the Panameñista Party.