Monday 5th October 2020.
October 5, 2020

My guest on this mornings show at 8:30 is Leila Nilipour, who is the joint founder of Indomsbles Podcast. Indomables is a sociocultural, documentary podcast narrated by two award-winning female journalists from Panama, Melissa Pinel and Leila Nilipour. Our characters have often experienced excruciating circumstances, or their life experiences can teach us important lessons about historical events, social issues or movements and underreported cultural expressions. It won the National Radio Journalism Award in 2019 and was selected as part of the 2020-2021 Google Podcasts creator program.
Thousands of creators from nearly 120 countries applied to this year’s Google Podcasts creator program. The team of reviewers included program alumni alongside representatives from PRX, Google, and a variety of international podcast festivals, networks, and producers. The selected teams will participate in 12 weeks of free, virtual training conducted by PRX alongside international industry experts. During that time they’ll get regular feedback on all aspects of their production; work on storytelling, sound design, marketing, and more; equipment and software; and $12,000 in funding. They represent 11 countries including Brazil, Canada, Costa Rica, Cuba, Jordan, Mexico, Nigeria, Panama, The United States, Turkey, and Zambia.