Show Archive
Thursday 12th November 2020.
November 12, 2020
It’s Techy Thursday, so we link up with Dr Computer (Alex Neuman). With the news of Apples new range of products utilizing their own Chip the Apple Silicon M1. Alex gives us a in depth look at what this will mean for the improvements that can be expected, also what effect it will have on the rest of the chip business.

In the last hour of this mornings program we go from tech to food. My guests on the phone are the Agricultural Attache with the United States Embassy Peter Olsen and Sabor USA Marketing Specialist Ericka Sanchez. Firstly check out the website for Sabor USA, it is absolutely packed with great recipes!
That is our primary discussion about bringing in recipes that can combine the amazing cuisine of Panama with that of the USA. Find out more by visiting their Instagram.
Also having the Agricultural Attache on the phone a good opportunity to touch on some agricultural issues, Panama especially having had a bad time with the passing of hurricane Eta just last week.