Thursday 14th February 2019. Happy Valentines, dating on line with Dr Computer and the Shriners.
February 14, 2019
Good morning and happy Valentines Day. Is there a better way to start than with some Valentines doughnuts courtesy of Dr Computer (Alex Neuman)? Yummy! As it is Valentines we touch on dating apps and how to keep your info secure.
In the last hour, Carson Dolan from the US Embassy and Ricky Arrocha from Abou Saad Shriner’s here in Panama. The work that they do is really amazing, children suffering with pediatric issues are given a chance to lead a fuller life thanks to the free treatment offered by this amazing organization. The children are flown to the USA to one of the Shrine hospitals where they will received all the necessary medical help…. Wait for it – All free of charge. The Shriner’s also offer treatment to children that suffer from burns. Visit the website for more information…. HERE.

Panama rejects “categorically” the inclusion of the isthmus on a discriminatory list made “through an opaque procedure”.
The Minister of Agricultural Development, Eduardo Enrique Carles, on Wednesday, urged the producers to desist in their intentions to protest because the government is complying with the agreement.
The Minister of Economy and Finance, Eyda Varela de Chinchilla , did not attend the Budget Committee of the National Assembly, which was this Wednesday, February 13 at 10:30 a.m.
The Mayor’s Office of Panama and the MiBus company announced the temporary suspension of the service of the 5 de Mayo electric mobility pilot plan and the Casco Antiguo.
A total of 10 thousand 440 young people between 10 and 19 years of age entered in 2018 to the prenatal pregnancy control to the facilities of the Ministry of Health (Minsa).
Isabel De Saint Malo de Alvarado, Jorge González and Emanuel González-Revilla were approved by the Cabinet Council as the new members of the board of directors of the Panama Canal Authority (ACP).