Thursday 17th October 2019. Tech with Dr Computer (Alex Neuman)
October 17, 2019
Tech time of the week, Dr Computer (Alex Neuman) joins us this morning as we take a look at tech. A couple of the topics discussed the new
products from Google including the Pixel 4. Also your rights when it comes to giving access to your phone to authorities. Although in the UK you have a legal requirement to give the police access but in the US it is considered a violation to the fifth amendment rights.
The streets remain a challenge for citizens when it comes to their own safety. At least that is what Panamanians think according to the latest victimization and citizen perception survey conducted by the Ipsos company, commissioned by the Observatory of Citizen Security of the Chamber of Commerce Industries and Agriculture of Panama.
The Minister Counselor for matters related to public health, Eyra Ruiz, joined on Wednesday the voices that recommend the deputy of Guna Yala, Arquesio Arias , be separated from the position, during the investigation that follows the Supreme Court of Justice for the alleged commission of the crime against sexual freedom.
The Credentials Committee of the National Assembly suspended the session on Wednesday, October 16, in which it was preparing to define the methodology to discuss the legislative proposal that proposes changes to the internal regulations.
The Cabinet Council approved, through Decree No. 27 of October 15, 2019, to modify the national import tariff as of January 1, 2020.
The Panama Metro will sign a contract with the company Alstom, manufacturer of the trains used in the country, to provide “heavy” maintenance to Line 1. The agreement has a value of $ 7.3 million and is valid for two and a half years.
Given the complaints of residents and business owners of San Francisco, the representative of that district, Carlos Pérez Herrera , reported that yesterday Wednesday, he was meeting with the Transit and Land Transportation Authority (ATTT) verifying the areas where they are leaving to make changes in the direction of movement of the traffic.