Thursday 18th March 2021.
March 18, 2021
The epidemiological report of the Ministry of Health (Minsa) , of this Wednesday, March 17, registers 440 new positive cases of Covid-19, for a cumulative total of 349,020. In the last 24 hours there were 8 new deaths, and a death that occurred in previous dates is updated, which brings the deaths to 6,018, for a fatality of 1.7%. 8,707 tests have been applied and a percentage of positivity of 5.% is maintained. There are 4,635 people in home isolation, of which 4,441 are at home and 194 in hospital hotels. There are 737 hospitalized patients and 643 of them are in the ward and 94 are in the intensive care unit (ICU).
The national director of Epidemiology of the Ministry of Health , Leonardo Labrador, stressed that despite the fact that Panama is among the countries that is at a good pace in the process of vaccination against the coronavirus, the population cannot neglect biosafety measures. Labrador explained that physical distancing should be continued, the use of masks and a face mask, because barely 6% of the population has been vaccinated.
Travelers who enter the country and present the certification that they received their two doses of vaccine against Covid-19 will not have to comply with the biosafety requirements, confirmed the Minister of Health, Luis Francisco Sucre.
While Panama joined a Central American initiative for a safe and gradual return to face-to-face classes, the Ministry of Education confirmed that 3,850 official schools in the country are within this plan to return to the classroom.
After five and a half hours of meeting, the plenary table of the National Dialogue for the Social Security Fund failed to establish a voting methodology. Therefore, they agreed to meet next Monday, March 22, for the groups represented in the dialogue to consult with their bases.

The Territorial Organization Plan (POT) of the district of Panama will be discussed this Thursday, March 18 by the Housing Commission of the Municipal Council of Panama. For representatives of civil society and representatives of the township, this is an important issue, because what emerges from there will define the future of Panama City in terms of urban planning, for the next 10 years.