Thursday 19th August 2021.
August 19, 2021
The epidemiological report of the Ministry of Health (Minsa) , of this Wednesday reported 838 new positive cases and 9 deaths from Covid-19. With these new figures, the total number of those infected, from March 2020 to date, is 449,762 and the number of deaths is 6,981. Two deaths from previous dates were also updated in this report. 11,486 tests were applied, which yielded a positivity of 7.3%. Recovered patients total 432,938 and the active cases are 9,843. There are 9,399 people in home isolation, of which 9,118 are at home and 281 in hospital hotels. There are 444 hospitalized patients and 337 of them are in the ward and 107 are in the intensive care units.
The Expanded Immunization Program of the Ministry of Health (Minsa) reported that yesterday, the figure of 1,008,381 people vaccinated with second doses against Covid-19 was reached. It was also announced that since January last year when the Covid-19 vaccination process began, 3,644,906 doses from the pharmaceutical companies Pfizer and AstraZeneca have been applied .
The Minister of Health, Luis Francisco Sucre , informed the members of the Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture of Panama (Cciap) that an update of the biosafety regulations for entering commercial premises during the Covid-19 pandemic will be released in the coming days. This was revealed by the president of the Cciap, Jose Ramón Icaza, who said that Sucre reminded them that there are measures that are no longer being required, such as the use of footbaths at the entrance to different businesses. “He also told us about other biosecurity measures that will soon be reporting updates, for example, the mandatory temperature measurement at the entrance of some commercial premises, which can often be excessive the number of times that they are being carried out “.
The Ministry of Education (Meduca) reported Wednesday morning, on the gradual return of teachers to official and private educational centers. For this reason, the General Directorate of Education announced the measures that will govern this progressive return of teachers to schools throughout the country, including the adjustment in physical distance in schools to one meter (before it was two), which will allow a greater turnout and participation of the students.

The Supreme Court of Justice (CSJ) handles a second lawsuit of unconstitutionality presented by former President Ricardo Martinelli, for decisions adopted by former magistrate Jerónimo Mejía (who served as a judge of guarantees in the wiretapping case), in a hearing held on July 4, 2018. According to the brief presented a month ago by Carlos Carrillo, Martinelli’s lawyer, the case followed against his client violates article 191 of the Constitution , since -according to him- he could not be criminally prosecuted for acts committed when he served as President of the Republic , from July 2009 to June 2014.
Twenty-four hours after the General Directorate of Public Procurement (DGCP) rejected the claim filed by the Aecom-Sener Consortium, the Panama Metro awarded the preliminary design of the tunnel that will use the monorail to Panama West to the Túnel de las Américas group, for an amount of 9.8 million dollars.
The Panamanian Football Federation (Fepafut) reported this Wednesday, August 18, that tickets for the first two matches of Panama at home are already on sale, in the qualifying round on the way to the Qatar World Cup and that in order to attend the stadium it is “It is essential to be vaccinated.”