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Thursday 19th November 2020.
November 19, 2020
It is a fun Thursday with plenty to talk about. In the eight o’clock hour, as we do on a Thursday link up with Dr Computer, Alex Neuman to talk tech. He brings a guest with him today Ashley Powers from the Young Scientist Lab. The mission of the Young Scientist Lab is to foster a new generation of scientists who are inspired to improve the world with science. For teachers, students and parents seeking a place to explore the world of scientific innovations and opportunities, Discovery Education and 3M developed this interactive portal filled with engaging activities and standards-aligned teaching tools, anchored by the award-winning annual Young Scientist Challenge.

Staying Techy in the last hour as we talk to Deputy Edison Broce about the law currently in discussion regarding Electric Mobility.
“Panama is committed to achieving sustainable and low emissions development within the energy sector as part of the National Electricity Mobility Strategy.
Transport activity is the main source of greenhouse gas emissions within the energy sector, contributing 50.9% of emissions, according to revisions made in 2017.
“The priority is in strategic fleets: buses, government and private business fleets, and specific incentives for individuals,” the official said.
One of the entities that has already taken some steps to incorporate electric mobility is Mass Transport of Panama (Mi Bus). Luis Campana, general manager of Mi Bus explained that the company is in an analysis for the replacement of a part of the fleet that uses fossil fuel that has already fulfilled its lifespan.”