Show Archive
Thursday 1st October 2020.
October 1, 2020
It is Thursday and a brand new month. We link up with Mr Computer Alex Neuman, toaday’s topic is what you should do when buying a new phone, mainly if it is a secondhand one. Things like making sure there has been a factory reset, ideally have it done in front of you. Also how to backup and your phones information and recover it on to your new phone. Also I had an incident this week with regard to getting a new computer battery for my laptop, they would not send it to Panama by air and has to come by ship. Well this did not seem logical and I had a bit a go about it. But on checking on the topic I came across the following piece from February 2019.

“The US Department of Transportation and Federal Aviation Administration are banning people from storing lithium ion cells or batteries as cargo on passenger planes. Companies also cannot ship batteries with more than 30 percent charge aboard cargo-only aircraft. This doesn’t affect most consumers outright — you can still bring your spare batteries and gadgets aboard in a carry-on bag. But people who buy batteries online might be affected. Phones, external batteries, and electronic devices in general will no longer arrive with a full charge, so as to avoid the risk of fire or explosion that could damage aircraft while in flight.” So there we have it.

Great to welcome in the last hour Maestro Victor Mata from Camerata Panama. Happily in these hard times artists have been looking at inventive ways to entertain us, one primary tool has been video streaming live using such tools as Zoom and Google Hangouts etc. Camerata is putting on a virtual recital with David Garcia on the piano and Joel Arias on the French Horn. Joel will be playing three different horns and will be explaining their history and development. Make a note in your diaries Sunday 4th October at 6pm, Donation before the weekend is $5 on Saturday or Sunday $10.