Show Archive
Thursday 23rd May 2024.
May 23, 2024

Our special guest in the last hour of todays program is Calito de Sedas presenting his debut album as a soloist “Transístmico: Como all’onde uno”, a musical journey towards Panamanian identity.
Motivated by a strong desire to leave an artistic legacy that contributes to the strengthening of the national identity of his country, Calito De Sedas, known for his leadership in the band Mecánik Informal from 2015 to 2022, with a musical career that has taken him to festivals venues with audiences of up to 30 thousand people and representing Panama on international stages in North America, South America and the prestigious Glastonbury Fest in England, he launches as a soloist with his long-awaited album “Transístmico: Como all’onde uno”.
Convinced of the transformative power of music as a communication tool, he uses its artistic expression to promote Panamanian culture, exalt folklore and evoke Panamanianness. His musical proposal fuses elements of salsa, Panamanian urban music and folklore, using traditional instruments and elements that reflect the multiethnic and pluricultural ancestry that characterizes the Panamanian isthmus.
“Transístmico: Como all’onde uno” stands out for its uniqueness, combining the native, the contemporary and the danceable in an explosive mix that reflects Calito’s pride and love for his roots. The lyrics of his songs, imbued with substance and reflection, invite the audience to dance while strengthening critical thinking, in a formula he calls “Rhythm for the feet, Lyrics for the head.”
The album has 7 songs and the fusion of various musical genres such as salsa, calypso, typical, urban, among others, in addition to outstanding and important artistic collaborations that elevate this project to a high quality level, providing a unique perspective and richness. cultural that reinforces and diversifies the Calito De Sedas proposal.