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Thursday 3rd March 2022.
March 3, 2022
Today is World Hearing Health Day and in honor of this we have as our guest in the last hour today Giovanna Trancoso founder and director of Oir es Vivir. ” 3 March is celebrated on World Day of the Ear and Hearing Care, a day aimed at raising awareness about the importance of caring for our auditory organ and safe listening.
Foundation Hearing is Living is a non-profit organization , working since 2008 in prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of hearing loss and hearing care in our country, invites the population to take care of their hearing and have hearing tests periodical, at least once a year.

The Hearing loss is the most prevalent sensory impairment in the world and continues to increase rapidly. It’s a very common problem, and it can occur at any time in our lives. The World Health Organization (WHO) indicated in the World Hearing Report published in 2021, that if we continue as Come on, 1 in 4 people will have hearing problems in 2050.”