Show Archive
Thursday 6th May 2021.
May 6, 2021
Talk Tech Thursday with Dr Computer Alex Neuman. Our guest is Michael Lindo (Founding partner & CEO of BlueTide Web Consulting, a Panamanian company focused on nearshore software development, web development, design, & maintenance) and the topic is “E-Commerce”. Really what we are looking at is how the pandemic has caused a new train of thought here in Panama with regard to online sales. It has become so easy for many of us to just go on line and purchase from Amazon, looking more at the local on line market has been neglected. As things change, Panama is becoming a competitive player not just looking at it from a price perspective but timely delivery, which in itself is a price compensator.

In the last hour today on the phone with me is Greg Kitzmiller who has retired to Panama with his wife. Greg has written a book about his experiences together with links and information that would be useful to anyone who is contemplating coming to Panama to live. It is not just about the procedure, but what I believe is more important and that is the preparation, making sure that Panama really is for you. Where to live. The beach, in the hills, in the city? Familiarization is paramount, Greg’s book will help you along your path for a happy retirement in a beautiful country.