Show Archive

Thursday 7th April 2022.

April 7, 2022


A fun morning this morning. Firstly in the eight o’clock hour we welcome Rob Getman from Marea Verde. We talk about the new project “

Marea Verde began the installation of a Water Wheel to trap floating solid waste in the Juan Díaz River in the vicinity of the South Corridor. The Water Wheel or “Wanda Díaz” is an innovative system, the first in Latin America, which will position Panama at the regional forefront of the protection of rivers and seas and the fight against plastic pollution. Wanda Díaz is a wheel that uses hydraulic energy to collect and remove solid waste that floats in the river, preventing it from reaching the ocean. This innovative technology will work in conjunction with a floating “B.o.B.” that will stop the waste in the Juan Díaz River so that it can be later transported for collection, classification, proper disposal and recycling.

In the last hour, what a surprise, our Intrepid Outdoor Reporter is Indoors today and joins us in the studio, armed with Champagne, banana’s and Gummies. So it is great to Celebrate the Anniversary of the show with Ingrid. Also Cool FM are offering a competition for tomorrow, question to be answered about “yours truly”. A clue you can find most of the answers here on this video…

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