Show Archive
Thursday 8th April 2021.
April 8, 2021

Today being Techy Thursday we link up with Dr Computer Alex Neuman and special guest Fabio Assolini who is the Senior Security Researcher, Global research and Analysis Team. The topic is the latest leak affecting Facebook 533 Million users information was accessed. However today Facebook said it was not a leak, it was data “scrapped” back in 2019. What is scrapped data as opposed to leaked, what information would have been gleaned from the attack and what could it have been used to do? It all turns out to be rather frightening. Has your data been compromised? Check HERE. We have segregated the interview below if you want to just listen to that…
Yazmin find out that Sandie Shaw won the Eurovision song contest on this day back in 1967, the first time the UK had won!! And Ingrid has trouble with monkey’s and mango’s!