Thursday 9th November 2017. Dr computer and what if you could remember everything?
November 9, 2017
[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]Program audio:
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We are talking tech with Dr Computer (Alex Neuman) in the first hour today.
A story in the last hour is about people that have a condition HSAM. They are able to remember every detail of every day of their lives from the time of being a baby. An interesting article that looks at the plus’s and the downside.
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]The News:
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The Government Innovation Authority (AIG) detected difficulties with the internet connection of the consulate of Panama in Sao Paulo, Brazil, so it sent staff to solve the problem, one day before the validation hearing of at least two effective collaboration agreements between the Special Anticorruption Prosecutor and Odebrecht executives.
President Juan Carlos Varela sanctioned the law that creates the Specialized Higher Technical Institute (ITSE), in the company of the Minister of Education, Marcela Paredes and other senior government officials.
The Ministry of Environment admitted a request for the concession of 107 hectares in the Wildlife Refuge of Isla Cañas, in the province of Los Santos.
The FCC Corredor de las Playas I consortium obtained the best score in the tender for the expansion of the Inter-American Highway between La Chorrera and Santa Cruz, in the province of Panamá Oeste.
Yesterday, the Circuit Prosecutor of Colon, of the Superior Prosecutor’s Office Specialized in Crimes of Illicit Association, together with the National Police (PN), held antigang operations in the province.
Juan Felipe De La Iglesia, director of the National Institute of Aqueducts and Sewers (Idaan), explained yesterday during a television interview on Telemetro, that the agency currently owes over $50 million to various contractors and suppliers.
There are 138 people deprived of liberty in the La Joya and La Joyita prisons who make up the Second Chance Independent Band (BISO), as a project that aims to resocialize them and honor Panama.