
Tuesday 14th February 2023.

February 14, 2023


In the last month, 12 officials of the General Directorate of the Penitentiary System – including psychologists, guards and social workers – have been dismissed for making “undue” concessions and bringing prohibited items into prisons.

This was announced by the Minister of Government, Roger Tejada, who emphasized that “the penitentiary system must be purged.”

His statements come after a police officer and an inmate died last Friday during a shootout between rival gangs inside the La Joya prison. Following these events, the authorities launched the so-called Operation Armageddon. The operation resulted in the confiscation of 20 firearms, cell phones, sharp objects, among other prohibited items.

In this sense, Minister Tejada said that the necessary technological equipment will soon be available to combat the entry of prohibited items into prisons. He pointed out that the technology to be implemented consists of scanners, radars, jammers and movement sensors. “All these are part of a component that we are going to be acquiring to strengthen and to put an end to this,” he remarked.

So far, two inmates at the La Joya prison have been accused of their alleged involvement in the shooting last Friday.

With less than a week to go before the celebration of the carnival organized by the Panama Tourism Authority (ATP) , not only is this in danger, but irregularities have been found in the ATP processes to grant a series of direct contracts in order to materialize the first carnival after the pandemic, the first case of which was detected two weeks after the 2020 carnival.

The Directorate of Exceptional Procurement Procedures (DIPEC) has denied several of the ATP contracts due to lack of documentation from the bidders for the organization of the carnival in the capital. Consequently, the direct contracts for the publicity of the festivity, the contract of the cisterns for the culecos, the construction of the throne and platforms, as well as the making of the dresses of the queen and princesses are suspended.

The Comptroller General of the Republic provided this Monday, a balance on the 2020 national censuses, which are carried out in the country.

The comptroller general, Gerardo Solís, announced that 73% of the estimated population has been reached, that is, 3 million 231 thousand 764 people have been registered. 50.7% correspond to women, while 49.3% are men, it was reported at a press conference.

To date, 1,370,493 homes have been visited and surveyed, which represents 92% of the estimated homes, the comptroller said.

Similarly, preliminary data obtained from mobile capture devices indicate that 93% of the surveyed population has a cell phone; 44% have a computer; 74% have internet; 87% own a television; 45% have a car and 35% have air conditioners.

So far, 33.2% of the population self-identifies as Afro-descendant and 12.6% as indigenous population, while 4.5% reported some type of disability.

The old practice of increasing the budget through silent games was the technique used by the National Assembly last year to add more funds to its coffers.

The Legislature, in charge of the PRD deputy Crispiano Adames, closed 2022 with an increase of $86 million 603 thousand 72 over the original figure, which is equivalent to an increase of 54.07% of the assigned budget ($143 million 955 thousand 516) and the modified one that ended at $230 million 558 thousand 588.

For the current term, the Assembly funds amount to $150 million.

This is stated in a report from the General Directorate of Administration and Finance of that State body.

Initially, the Assembly was guaranteed $143,955,516, but there was an increase of $86,603,072, which is equivalent to an increase of 54.07% of the assigned and modified budget.

The changes to the budget of the National Assembly were made silently, since the first quarter of last year. Some in the middle of political events of the official PRD.

The Technical Board of Medicines had to decide yesterday in a meeting if they extend the validity of Executive Decree 17 of August 10, 2022, which establishes a 30% decrease in the price established for 170 molecules that cover some 900 medicines.

This decree, which came into effect on August 15, 2022, is six months into force this week, so its future is in the hands of the members of the Technical Board of Medicines, which must present a proposal on the subject. to the President of the Republic in this regard.

Enma Pinzón, representative of the National Federation of Patients with Critical, Chronic and Degenerative Diseases before the Technical Board of Medications, stated that everything indicates that the measure will be extended.

He added that in his personal experience he has received the 30% discount on drugs that are part of the list, along with the 20% discount for retirees.

While the director of Pharmacy and Drugs of the Ministry of Health (Minsa ) Elvia Lau and the representative of the National Union of Pharmacy Owners (Unprofa) Orlando Pérez, who are part of the table, when consulted on the subject, they preferred not to issue comments.

A new legal resource forced to suspend, on the morning of this Monday, the trial of 17 people for the alleged commission of the crime of embezzlement through contracts for the purchase of backpacks for public school students through the Program of National Aid (PAN).

Sources from the Judicial Branch confirmed that one of the defendants’ defense attorneys filed an appeal against the evidence order that would be used in the trial, for which reason Judge Águeda Rentería sent the brief to the Superior Settlement Court for it to be resolved. .

It was reported that once the appeal filed against the evidence brief has been resolved, the court will proceed to set a new trial date.

Copa Airlines announced on Monday the start of flights to and from the city of Austin starting on July 6, in what will be its first destination connecting the state of Texas (United States) with the continent through the so-called “Hub of the Americas”, in Panama City.

The Copa flight to Austin will operate on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, departing from Tocumen International Airport and arriving at Austin-Bergstrom International Airport, while the return flight will depart on the same days.

Cerveza Panamá together with the artist Boza have signed an alliance focused on supporting emerging local talent, that talent that already has the Panamanian spark in its DNA and that only needs a small boost to promote it and carry its talent to the next level.

In this case we are not only talking about music, Boza will be participating in multiple projects of Cerveza Panamá, beginning with the summer campaign where he is the protagonist of one of the pieces with his new single “Booty Puty  . This piece highlights the spark of Panamanians who seek to wear a hairstyle with Flow during the summer season. In addition, this project will have great support for barbers, where Boza together with Cerveza Panamá will show the talent of barbers and invest in improving their businesses to help them continue to grow.


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