Tuesday 16th July 2019. CoCrearte teaching with art and where to take visiting friends in Panama.
July 16, 2019
Natalie Grewe from Co-Working and Bastian Barnbeck from Waved Foundation talk to us about an initiative that was formulated at Co-Working between the Olga Sinclair Foundation and Waved Foundation.
“In this month of July and at the beginning of next August, the Olga Sinclair Foundation will take its painting workshops to schools supported by the Waved Foundation in Panama City and Pedasí and, with the purpose of innovating in the school experience and contributing to the artistic development of students, using the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) as a theme.
Both foundations, together with the private company Panama Coworking and supported by the United Nations Development Program, the Ministries of Social Development, Education and the National Secretariat for Children, Adolescents and the Family, unite in this initiative, which seeks to teach and familiarize primary students with the Objectives of the 2030 Agenda of the United Nations and also help them have contact with art.”
Sara is with us in the last our and not so much about food this morning but how to entertain visiting guests? Where to take them to see the wonders of Panama, what to eat?
“What places do you take them to, to show them something unique and fun? OK, not the canal, because that it obligatory (and on everyone’s list), but fun, interesting places, restaurants, sites, day trips, 1-2 nights??”
The President of the Republic, Laurentino Cortizo, received on Monday July 15, the package of constitutional reforms agreed by the Council of the National Agreement for Development .
“Corruption is the biggest challenge in Panama.” That is how forceful the phrase is that can be read in the most recent report of the US Department of State on the investment climate in Panama .
Iris Pérez and Amadelis Valderrama, the accountants of the Comptroller General of the Republic who in 2015 audited the purchase of an electronic equipment from the Israeli company MLM Protection LTD by the then National Aid Program (PAN), continued giving their testimonies this Monday before the trial court, which is following the process to former President Ricardo Martinelli for wiretapping.
The independent deputy Raul Fernandez assured that he will be a deputy of the National Assembly “full time” and for which he will receive a salary.
The state owes a huge debt to banks that grant consumers mortgages with preferential interest. The balance of the debt amounts to $ 368 million.
The program of activities of the National Festival of the Pollera , in its 62 edition, will take place from July 19 to 23 in Las Tablas, Los Santos.