Show Archive
Tuesday 4th October 2022.
October 4, 2022
In the last hour of today’s program we chat with Danniel Baker, May Balan and Herbert Stagnnaro, they are presenting an art exhibition “The Liquid Gallery”.
The exhibition: The Liquid Gallery, Plaza Paitilla Mall, floor 2. from 6:30pm to 10pm. In collaboration with FUNDA AYUDA for the Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Feroz and Nike Women.
My statement to comprehend why are we only women exhibiting. First, and importantly, women artists are still awfully
underrepresented in all aspects of the artworld, gallery representation, museum shows, directorships, press coverage, auction prices, or permanent-collection displays. The existence of a few token – does not mean that women have achieved equality in the artworld.– women comprise circa 65% of the art-school population, yet they make up only 32% of artists represented by commercial art galleries, our society seems to be engaged in a kind of historical or cultural amnesia when it comes to women’s achievements. Men’s successes have no trouble becoming inscribed into history.

Indeed, one could argue that most exhibitions, especially historical ones, are male-only exhibitions, with a few women scattered about. Yet, no one seems to be querying the relevance of these shows. However, no one seems to be questioning the relevance of these shows. In total, the idea of this whole text is not to blame or point fingers at anyone, however my purpose as an active woman on this beautiful nplanet is to continue working and demonstrating that WE ARE MANY women in the art world, that we are alive and live from it.