Show Archive

Tuesday 9th August 2022.

August 9, 2022


Tomorrow we take a look at what is happing with regards to movies and new releases. But today we are talking with Alberto Sera and Frysha Boilard, Director and Producer of the movie “El Sacrificio”.  “My main mission is to give voice to those who don’t have one, telling stories and developing problems that affect our daily reality through cinema. That is why I seek to create awareness and debate in society through audiovisual pieces that generate impact. Likewise, I want to ensure that things are done in a new way in Latin America, promoting this industry with great potential at an international level.  As a director I have a mixture between the old school and the modern. I think that more cinema with strong values ​​is needed, no matter what genre it is. For example, in my last horror film I was able to work on social issues that concern us all.” (Alberto Sera)

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