Wednesday 12th December 2018. “Life itself” Andres’s review for this week.
December 12, 2018

It is time for Andres’s weekly movie review. This week a film directed my Dan Fogelman, “Life Itself” Andres’s conclusion: There’s a very thinline between emotional and sappy; glad to say that Dan Fogelman has become amaster of the former. So, even if this movie is filled with emotionalmanipulation, it still carries lots of heart and a genuine interestingstory. With Crazy, Stupid, Love, This is Us and the “gone-to-soon”Pitch, Fogelman has found the right formula to make movies and tv shows withplenty of heart, smart dialogue and more importantly a well told story. Thiswould make a great movie for a nice Date Night. “

The Panamanian Chamber of Construction (Capac) reportedon Tuesday December 11 that, from January to September of this year, there wasa decrease in investment in building permits in the district of Panama.
The plaintiffs ofthe trial of Ricardo Martinelli for espionage duringhis government accused magistrate JoséAyú Prado on Tuesday of”continuing to exert pressure” to favor the former president.
The Board of the Children’s Hospital showed its concern this Tuesday, December 11, regarding the slowness in the tender for the construction of the new children’s hospital, which is in the pre-selection phase of consortiums and then start with the public act .
After the visit of Chinese President Xi Jinping to Panama,several initiatives remain to be taken into account in the relationship withthis Asian country.
The National Police and the Drug Prosecutor’s Office of Colón and Guna Yala seized 660 packets of cocaine in a port in the Panamanian Caribbean on Monday night, December 10.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs secured thepurchase of a carpet 102 meters long and three meters wide, toreceive Pope Francisco next January when the WorldYouth Day 2019 will be celebrated .