
Wednesday 13th December 2017. Movie Review and Luci and the Soul Brokers

December 13, 2017

Program Audio:

Andres Clemente takes a good look at the movie “Daddy’s Home 2” starring Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg. Good or Bad? Take a listen. Also other Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg films. A chat about Arthur Christmas the new Star Wars movie and the Disney takeover of Fox.

In the last hour we are entertained by Valerie and Armando from Luci and the Soul Brokers, we talk about their weekend gig at the Sotano, the new album and they also play live us.

Michael Droulliard

No Wednesday is complete without the Canada Report. All the way up there in the Great White North, Michael Drouilliard gets us up to speed.

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