Wednesday 17th January 2018. Movie review with Andres & the Canada Report from Michael.
January 18, 2018
Firstly apologies for the delay in posting. Due to no Internet.
Program Audio:
Wednesday is when we take our look a tthe Movies with Andres Clemente. This week we manage to squeeze in two, the good and the bad by all accounts… Take a listen to find out which is which. Downsizing was one of subjects of Andre’s review and the other was The Disaster Artist.
Canada Report Audio:

No Wednesday is complete without the Canada Report. Coming from the very Cold Great North with Michael Droulliard.
News Audio:
After receiving the report of the Government Commission of the National Assembly, to discuss the draft law that regulates the penalties for corruption offenses, it will be approved in first debate.
Former Public Works minister Federico Pepe Suarez, and Housing minister Jaime Ford Castro, are among the 33 people that the Public Ministry has linked to the Blue Apple case, an investigation related to bribes paid by contractors of the State in exchange for streamlining administrative procedures for the execution of works and the disbursement of money.
On Monday night, Panamanian bank Global Bank, through a statement, rejected the Public Ministry’s statements regarding the “Blue Apple” case and stated that they complied with all protocols and regulations in the country.
A renewable contract for 20 years and worth 9 million dollars for the sublease of more than 1,300 farms in the Barú area of Chiriqui province was signed on Monday by the Minister of the Presidency, Álvaro Alemán, and the vice president of operations for Latin America of Del Monte, Jorge Pelaes.
Panameñista deputies Gabriel Soto and Katleen Levy regretted that their performances in dance events have been taken as a lack of commitment to the work they perform in the National Assembly.
Drivers of ‘refrigerator buses’ in Tocumen denounced Tomasito López, leader of the Union of Collective Transport Drivers (Sicotrac), for an alleged business deal by the union.
Equipment valued at $145 thousand was delivered by the Ministry of the Environment, with the purpose of supporting wildlife rescue tasks and the maintenance of specimens.