Show Archive
Wednesday 17th November 2021.
November 17, 2021

WTW, Welcome to Wednesday. It is movie review day with Andres and the movie of the week is “Eternals”. So what was Andres’s take on this must anticipated movie? “A very different MCU movie and I’m so happy we got it. The MCU formula has lost its luster in the last couple of films, and the universe needed a reboot of sorts. I believe this mythology and these characters give the franchise a different path and raise the stakes for all upcoming films. Chloe Zhao gave us a much more character driven story while expanding the MCU to Gods and creators. Great watch on the big screen”.
A Law on Electric Mobility has been passed in the Legislative and is currently awaiting the signature of the President to be enacted into law. The proponent of the law is our guest in the last hour today Deputy Edison Broce. We talk about the substance of the law and how it can be put into action. Amongst other objectives are the application based on the Paris Agreement, whereby Panama is committed to migrating its fleet to energy efficient ones. By 2030:
10-20% of private vehicles will be electric.
25-40% of private vehicles sold that year will be electric.
15-35% of buses will be electric.
25-50% of public fleet vehicles will be electric.