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Wednesday 20th October 2021.
October 20, 2021
Welcome to Wednesday.. WTW!! It is all about the movies today with my guests…
Firstly in the eight o’clock hour, not so much a guest as a regular. Andres Clemente takes a critical look at “The Last Duel”. Directed by Ridley Scott and staring Matt Damon and Ben Affleck. “After Knight Jean de Carrouges accuses squire Jacques Le Gris of sexualing assaulting his wife Marguerite de Carrouges, King Charles VI declares that Carrouges settle his dispute by challenging Le Gris to a duel.” So a period drama that is a success? This is what Andres has to say. “How fun to watch a period epic back in the movie theatres. Even though the film takes place in the 1300, its themes are very much relevant and important today. Great performances by its cast, and great storytelling device and an “edge of your seat” finale. A movie truly worth watching on the big screen.”

Staying with the movies in the last hour today, but locally. My guest is Martin Contreras Sanchez, who has started on the documentary COTITO.
“The main objective of the film is to recover part of the historical memory of the country. The Panamanian-Guatemalan co-production, directed by Martín Contreras, started filming last Friday, October 1 in different locations of Panama City and Chiriquí, it will extend intermittently until end of the year.
The documentary has an investigative phase of more than ten years, and adds to the list of Panamanian films produced under the umbrella of the Panamanian Film Law. The film, of a historical nature, brings us closer to the COTITO massacre that occurred in 1941 in Tierras Altas, Chiriquí, in which twelve Swiss-German settlers who migrated to Panama in the period were killed.”