Show Archive
Wednesday 21st April 2021.
April 21, 2021
WTW! Welcome to Wednesday and a fun packed show this morning. It is the time of the week to see what is on at the movies and Andres actually went to one of the cinemas this week to watch “Mortal Combat”. For those familiar with the video game we think you will enjoy it. This is what Andres had to say to sum up his experience, “A very hard franchise to adapt for the big screen, but the filmmakers behind this production seem to have figured it out. The film manages to create a cinematic world while at the same time keeping true to the video game and its gory, over exaggerated violent self. A must see for fans of the classic arcade game and a violent, fun action movie for newcomers.” For the full review don’t forget to listen to the replay.

In the last hour today we are honored to have on the line Omaira Michelle Rodríguez she is the Deputy Director of the Scientific Capacity Development Department at SENACYT, where she collaborates in creating and expanding programs to strengthen and promote more human capital focused on science and technology in Panama. She is an Industrial Engineer with international studies in Spain and Sweden and for the last 10 years she has been at SENACYT developing various programs with national and international strategic partners such as universities, the private sector and other government entities. We talk about the programs involving, Young Scientists, Science Fairs, Robotics and coding and more. for more information check out SYNACYT’s web page.