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Wednesday 25th August 2021.
August 25, 2021
WTW, Welcome To Wednesday boys and girls. It is that time of the week to check out what is happening in the world of the movies as Andres gives us a rundown on “Reminiscence” His conclusion? “It’s exciting to watch an original Romantic Drama at the movies again. Add to that, the capacity of Hugh Jackman to have amazing chemistry with any actor and a high concept sci-fi story. All this made the movie quite enjoyable for me. Sadly, the film is full of plot holes and the audience is left with the task of taking unrealistic leaps of faith regarding how the characters achieve their objectives. A swing for the fence that fell a tad short.”

In the last hour today my guest is Chef Rachel Pol Policart. Pastry Chef; Restaurant Owner in Panama for over 18 years. Hostess of the cooking show “Soy Rachel, Soy Foodie”. Through the ‘Rachel Pol Firm’ she caters the city’s most exclusive events, does consulting for hotels and restaurants, and was the Private Chef for the Presidential Plane.
Rachel has been a guest Chef and Speaker at the IACP conference in San Francisco, California. Pastry Master Class in Trujillo, Peru, Recurrent speaker in Panama Gastronomica Chefs Unplugged, De Norte a Sur in Ponce, Puerto Rico, Flavors of the Islands in St Thomas, Women Chef Organization in New York, among others.
Chef Rachel Pol is also a Chocolatier making her own chocolate from bean to bar, with Panamanian organic cacao beans, promoting fair trade for local growers and educating about the sustainable use of the land.
In October 2019, she was the chef behind the World Guinness Record for “El patacón más grande del mundo”, the world’s largest Fried Plantain, held at Ipeti Indian village in Panama.
At present she is behind EL PAILÓN Panamá-Cocinado Esperanza, a Gastronomic Social Project, with the help of volunteers and local businesses, she cooks panamanian dishes in a 3 meter wide pot, to be distributed to deprived neighbourhoods and shelters.
In the first “Pailón” they made the largest Arroz con Pollo de Panamá, with over 1 ton of food and 3163 plates of food distributed. In the next edition, they will be making el “Super Sancocho” aiming for over 3500 plates of the iconic panamanian soup.
You may follow her personal IG account @rachelfoodie and @elpailonpanama for updates.