
Wednesday 30th March 2022.

March 30, 2022


The Ministry of Health (Minsa) reports for this Tuesday, 325 new cases of Covid-19. In the last 24 hours, no deaths have been reported, however, one from an earlier date is updated for a cumulative of 8,168 deaths for a lethality of 1.1%, indicates the Minsa epidemiology report. To find the newly infected, 7,696 tests were applied for a positivity of 4.2%. Active cases are 2,436, of which 2,335 are in home isolation and 101 hospitalized. Those in isolation are divided into 2,307 at home and 28 in hotels. There are 88 patients hospitalized in the wards and 13 in the intensive care units.

More voices of rejection are added to bill 550, approved in the third debate by the National Assembly , which establishes the general regulatory framework for patronages and other organizations. On this occasion, the National Institute of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (Inmfre) stated that, in case of receiving the presidential sanction, said rule “would become an obstacle and setback for the objectives of medical rehabilitation so carefully elaborated by our patronage” , which has been kept away from political scope and personal interest. “If approved, this project would be in conflict with Law 69, which creates the Inmfre board of trustees and would undermine the proper functioning and growth of the institution; since this project reveals a political interference and can trigger bureaucratic processes that delay and deteriorate the quality and warmth in the care of our population with disabilities”, the institute put out in a statement.

Giving 50% of the minimum annual income from copper extraction to the Social Security Fund (CSS) Disability, Old Age and Death (IVM) program will not solve the entity’s problem because it must be sustainable over time and forget the environmental issue. This is how the independent deputies Juan Diego Vásquez and Edison Broce and the union leader Guillermo Puga consider it, who stated that these funds are not enough. Broce recalled that the announcement Cortizo made this Monday, March 28, about the distribution of funds for copper extraction is “an insult to intelligence.”

The National Directorate of Electoral Organization of the Electoral Court (TE) rejected the appeal presented by the mayor of the capital José Luis Fábrega against the resolution that admits his mandate revocation process. The decision was made by Osman Valdés, director of the Electoral Organization, on Monday, March 28. The official ordered that the “corresponding procedure” be continued.  Lawyer Roberto Ruiz Díaz, who presented the request for revocation, reported that the next step is a two-week training for activists -including him-, on the methods of collecting signatures.

During the session of this Tuesday, March 29, of the Council of the National Agreement, courtesy of the room was granted to the president and vice president of the Supreme Court of Justice (CSJ), María Eugenia López Arias and Olmedo Arrocha, respectively, to explain the draft of law that creates the Code of Civil Procedure .Arrocha indicated that the objective of his participation in the meeting is to explain the norm and the scope that it will have in Panamanian society. “This is a project that advocates for the country’s competitiveness, the courts of justice in the civil jurisdiction are the ones that resolve conflicts between people who have contractual ties or commercial and insurance issues.”

The increase in fuel prices caused the liter to reach $1.00 in February and since then it has continued to climb, but to date there has been no government response that attempts to reduce the impact on family and business finances. The government of Laurentino Cortizo appointed a High Level Commission to analyze the impact on the country of the war between Russia and Ukraine, among them, the energy one, but a precise date has not been given as to when the possible solutions would be given. “We are evaluating all the conditions in the face of the serious and uncontrolled increase in fuel prices, and we understand that this calls for exceptional actions, in the face of a situation never experienced to date,” Energy Secretary Jorge Rivera Staff told this newspaper yesterday. .

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