Tuesday 11th June 2024.

June 11, 2024

  Our guest in the second hour today is KC Harding… We chat specifically about Casco Viejo, yesterday, today and tomorrow. “KC” Hardin is co-founder of Conservatorio, a certified B Corporation that applies its unique approach to sustainably revitalizing historic urban cores in Central America.   KC founded Esperanza San Felipe, an innovative program in Panama […]

Monday 10th June 2024.

June 10, 2024

It is a music Monday, we check in with Ingrid for our everyday look into the country life in El Valle. Well this weekend Ingrid is still relaxing at the beach, to be honest she was so relaxed I thought she was going to fall asleep!  LOL! Yazmin takes a look this morning at who […]

Friday 7th June 2024.

June 7, 2024

    TGIF, … yes it is Freaky, Friday, Fun Facts. Today Ingrid has in store for us some great interesting facts and it is about something we all aspire to accumulate more of, Money!  She was thinking about another topic but decided that there would be “no change”.  Yazmin.gives us some tips on what […]

Thursday 6th June 2024.

June 6, 2024

  Great to have with us this morning, Dr Computer (Alex Neuman), so we can have a good chat about Technology, We are taking a look at two issues. One, keeping safe from scammers, they are becoming much more prolific. And two, VPN’s can they help with your security? And how best to use them. […]

Wednesday 5th June 2024.

June 5, 2024

  With us this morning in the second hour we have Hilary Hughes from the Panama Canal Museum to talk about the museum itself and an event that is coming up the Saturday. The Canal Museum is a non-profit institution at the service of society, which rescues and promotes the historical memory of Panama and […]

Tuesday 4th June 2024.

June 4, 2024

  Our guest this morning in the second hour is Jaime Martin. Jaime is an author and is with us to talk about his book “The Panama Banker”. To give you some back ground. Jack narrates the story of a native from New Orleans, who while in college in New York, falls in love with […]

Monday 3rd June 2024.

June 3, 2024

It is a music Monday, we check in with Ingrid for our everyday look into the country life in El Valle. Well this weekend Ingrid got to spend some time at the beach and you can enjoy it in the background today!!  Someone else who is enjoying it is Chelsea the dog. Yazmin takes a […]

Friday 31st May 2024.

May 31, 2024

  TGIF, … yes it is Freaky, Friday, Fun Facts. Today Ingrid has in store for us some great interesting facts and it is quite a diverse selection this morning, for example what do you call a group of Flamingos? And it is not pink! Yazmin. gives us some tips on what we can be […]

Thursday 30th May 2024.

May 30, 2024

  Great to have with us this morning, Dr Computer (Alex Neuman), so we can have a good chat about Technology, today though we are talking a lot about on line tools that you can use with regards to seeking employment. A couple of the available resources are LinkedIn, also ChatGPT which can offer great […]

Wednesday 29th May 2024.

May 29, 2024

  It is a music Wednesday (no Andres this morning) we check in with Ingrid for our everyday look into the country life in El Valle. Left to her own devices as the cook is away for a while. This morning enjoying the smell of freshly cut grass and working with Dubai. Yazmin takes a […]


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