Thursday 14th May 2020. We talk Tech with Dr Computer.

May 14, 2020

We link up with Dr Computer. Social media and fake news.

Tuesday 12th May 2020. We chat with Andres Clemente and Feisty Foodie Sara.

May 12, 2020

Andres on the Series Marcella and Sara with her recipe.

Monday 11th May 2020. You, me & the Music and a tribute to Little Richard

May 11, 2020

   A quiet start to the week as we take a good look around the Internet looking for some good news stories for a change. Workout 10 minutes this morning at 7:45 a tribute to Little Richard who passed away at the weekend, you will need to be fit to keep up with this […]

Wednesday 6th May 2020. KPMG, Benita Vega and how customer/corporate relations might change.

May 6, 2020

 Plenty of great music as always this morning and in the last hour today we talk to Benita Vega: KPMG Customer Experience Manager. How things going to change after Covid-19 with regards to customer/corporate relations? Customers are the key to long-term commercial recovery capacity. The way they think, behave and experience the world has […]

Tuesday 5th May 2020. Joining me in the last hour on the phone it is Feisty Foodie Sara.

May 5, 2020

 It is you, me and the music for most of this morning. But in the last hour as we do on a Tuesday we link up on the phone with Sara Solomon our Feisty Foodie. We check on how the family is fairing with the continued Lock-Down. Sara’s recipe for this week?   Super […]

Thursday 30th April 2020. We chat Tech with Dr Computer (Alex Neuman)

April 30, 2020

     Always good when Dr Computer (Alex Neuman) can spare some time to talk. He joins me at 8:25 This morning and we cover many topics, mainly to do with how the experience of working from home has changed things not just for now but how it is likely to continue changing the […]

Wednesday 29th April 2020. Dancing on Zoom. We talks to Katherine Bucktron from Gramo Danse.

April 29, 2020

Yes, dancing on Zoom! We talk to Katherine Bucktron Executive Director of Fundacion Gramo Danse… Gramo Danse, the only professional contemporary and aerial dance company in Panama, celebrates International Dance Day with the virtual event called VIRAL DANCE. The event will be held on April 29 from 5:30 to 6:30 pm at ZOOM. It consists […]

Tuesday 28th April 2020. We check in on Feisty Foodie Sara on the menu Chubby Brownies.

April 28, 2020

    Birthdays and Anniversaries on the list today, Capt Moore fundraising hero gets his own post mark and 125,000 birthday cards! Feisty Foodie Sara checks in with news on quarantine at home. Cupcakes and Chubby Brownies!! Panama recorded two new deaths from coronavirus in the last 24 hours, for a total of 167 deaths […]

Monday 27th April 2020. We talk to Giovanna Troncoso from Oir es Vivir, a foundation helping bring back hearing to the impaired.

April 27, 2020

In the last hour of today’s program we have as our telephone guest Sra Giovanna Troncoso from Fundacion Oir es Vivir. The foundation does amazing work in supporting, advising and helping people who are hearing impaired. Giovanna taks about here own experience having a profoundly deaf child and how it was diagnosed at a young […]


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